"You go girl! You will be a fantastic asset!"

Lisa, M.

"Wow! I know this, you do everything you set your mind to! You'll get it done!"

Sydney, D.

"Make Kennedale great! You have my vote!"

Elena, Q.

"We need people like you up there!"

Betty, G.

"Proud of you. That city needs someone who is going forward with truth, integrity and compassion. No one better!

Alicia, Y.

"Yes! You are what Kennedale needs!"

Hanna, M.

"As I've said before, I'm not one to get too heavily into politics unless I firmly believe in a particular candidate and 100% support the issues that person is willing to stand for. With that said, I'm asking the citizens of Kennedale to support my friend, Megan Burns, in her bid for election to city council as a write-in candidate.

I've known Megan longer than either one of us would like to admit. We've been friends pretty much all of our lives. Her family holds a special place in my heart. I know Megan's heart for the people that she loves and can tell you with absolute certainty that she loves Kennedale and it's citizens and has a passion to see right done by them.

Two things I know without a doubt about Megan is she has an incredibly strong work ethic and an unwavering sense of right and wrong. Two things that are crucial to have in a city council member. Especially a city council member being tasked with the uphill battle of making necessary changes to the way things are being done in the city of Kennedale.

Friends, when you go to the polls on election day, if you love this town as many of you say you do, if you love this town as I do, then I am asking you to write-in Megan Burns as your next city council member. She is the common sense change this town needs moving forward." 


-Kyle, F.